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Image by Randy Fath


NFL Insights


Lorenzo Amaya

I’m sure we can recall one of the countless stories of a professional athlete going broke. Sports Illustrated released an article in 2009 called How and Why, Athletes Go Broke. The article headline in bold, recession or no recession, many NFL, NBA, and MLB players have a penchant for losing most or all their money. Unfortunately, the article is true and provides stories about deceitful financial advisors, unscrupulous deals, and manipulative family members.

I share the same stories walking players through fraud, financial feuds, destroyed credit, wasteful spending, and unrealistic returns on investment.

I must admit, before hearing the stories, I had very little grace for players until I became part of their world. The system cannot prepare a rookie fast enough for NFL players Drafted to handle $700K plus in their 20s at the height of their superhuman state of mind. I had to ask the question, could a 22-year-old Lorenzo handle that any differently? my sincere answer was no.

My observation has been most players have more advice than they have proper direction and understanding. This causes the player to turn over control of their finances, to an individual whom they believe does.

The goal at Amaya Financial is not to advise but educate players and clients with a proper financial growth strategy that’s legacy driven.

Growth starts by taking and giving you control.

Why Athletes Go Broke

Sports Illustrated Vault

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